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Did you know only a few offices in the Phoenix area offer all 3 types of sedation dentistry?  The three types are:

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about sedation dentistry.

Which type of sedation dentistry is right for me?
In general, that depends on how anxious or fearful you are and what type of procedure is being performed. Nitrous oxide is the lowest level of sedation dentistry, with IV sedation dentistry being the highest level.

Is sedation covered by dental insurance?
In some cases, sedation will be covered by your dental insurance, primarily with extractions or major dental treatment. Reimbursement varies, depending on the dental insurance company and plan. We accept most types of dental insurance and are preferred providers (in network) for a range of companies.  To find out exactly what will be covered by your specific dental insurance plan, we can submit a “pre-determination of benefits” for you.

What are the advantages to sedation dentistry?
The primary advantage is that sedation allows you to relax enough to undergo dental treatment, which is important. Study after study has linked dental health to overall health, so it’s important that you take good care of your teeth and gums.

What’s the difference between “conscious sedation,” and “oral sedation” dentistry?
These are both terms that refer to the same type of sedation. You take a pill at the beginning of your appointment and rest through your treatment. You’re conscious, but time passes by at an amazing rate, and, in all likelihood, you’ll have no memory of your dental appointment afterward.

Does anyone need to accompany me to my dental appointment, if I elect to have sedation dentistry?
That depends on which type of sedation dentistry you choose. You can drive yourself home after having had laughing gas / nitrous oxide, although it’s recommended that you sit in the waiting room until you feel fully alert. With IV sedation dentistry and oral sedation dentistry, you’ll need someone to drive you home and stay with you for two to four hours to make sure that you don’t have any adverse reactions.

If you have any questions about sedation for dentistry or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact the office near to you:

Mesa - Modern Dentistry East Valley, near S. Stapley Dr and E. Baseline Rd., (480) 359-3827

Please make note: Our dental offices are in Mesa and we’re near Phoenix, Chandler, Tempe, Scottsdale, and Gilbert.