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- There are three types of sedation dentistry: nitrous oxide, conscious sedation, and IV sedation.
- With IV sedation and conscious sedation, you’ll need to have someone drive you home after your dental appointment.
- Laughing gas has been in use in dental offices since the late 1800s.
- Some dental insurance plans will cover the cost of sedation, depending on the type of dental treatment and the type of insurance coverage.
- Sedation can help if you have a physical condition (such as a strong gag reflex) that makes it hard to tolerate dental treatment.
- Sedation is available for children. We can administer laughing gas (nitrous oxide) to children of all ages, and we can use oral sedation with children who are twelve or older.
- Oral sedation is simple and easy – you just take a pill before your dental treatment. It’s also referred to as conscious sedation, because you’re conscious during the procedure, but time passes quickly, and you’ll probably have little or no memory of your dental appointment after it’s over.
- Sedation can be used for all types of dental procedures, including routine cleanings.
- With IV sedation and oral sedation, we monitor your blood pressure, pulse, and oxygen levels during the procedure.
- Sedation can be a great option if you have trouble getting numb and/or have an adverse reaction to Novocain.
If you have any further questions about sedation dentistry or would like to schedule an appointment, please call:
Mesa - Modern Dentistry East Valley, near S. Stapley Dr and E. Baseline Rd., (480) 359-3827
Please note: Our dental offices are in Mesa, Arizona. We’re proud to be some of the few dental offices in the Phoenix area to offer all 3 types of sedation.