If you’re wondering whether sedation dentistry can be helpful for your child, please call to schedule a free dental consultation.
There are kids that are able to visit the dentist without a problem, and some even look forward to it.
But for other children, dental appointments are challenging. This might be because they’ve had a bad experience at the dentist, because they’re anxious, because they have trouble sitting still, because they have a physical disability, or for a variety of other reasons.
Fortunately, the mildest form of sedation dentistry – laughing gas – can help, for children of all ages.
Also known as nitrous oxide, laughing gas has been used in dentistry since the 1800s. It’s administered through a nosepiece, and it can help kids relax enough to tolerate dental treatment. Once the treatment is over, 100% oxygen is sent through the nosepiece, to eliminate any lingering effects from the sedation.
Oral sedation is also an option for children ages twelve or older. To ensure safety, we monitor vital signs throughout the dental procedure. Oral sedation (also known as conscious sedation) is administered through a pill, taken before the dental treatment. With oral sedation, the child is conscious, but less aware of surroundings, and there’s little or no memory of the dental treatment after it’s over.
The key is to use whichever type of sedation is appropriate (the milder the better, if possible) to ensure that kids don’t feel pain and/or learn to dread dental their visits.
We love to see children! If you have further questions about sedation dentistry for children, please call our office nearest you:
Mesa - Modern Dentistry East Valley, near S. Stapley Dr and E. Baseline Rd., (480) 359-3827
We can also offer same day emergency appointments.
Please make note: Our dental offices are located in Mesa and we offer a variety of payment options for your convenience.